It’s hard to believe, but the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season is once again upon us! I’m here to remind you that spending your dollars in a locally and independently owned business not only helps communities thrive, but provides a more relaxed, fun, and rewarding gift-buying experience!
This Friday, November 29th, 2013 is Plaid Friday – A nationwide effort designed to promote both local and independently owned businesses during the big box store “Black Friday”. Consumers and shop keepers alike are encouraged to don their best plaid to show their support of the event. Special discounts & offerings, book signings, and tastings abound at local businesses throughout southern New Hampshire. Here at the Inn we’re offering two handmade pottery Inn at Valley Farms mugs with every gift certificate purchase ($30 value) and 10% off any gift shop purchase. Our Walpole Valley Farms farm store is also participating and will be filled with homemade holiday wreaths & kissing balls, homemade local fruit jams, local maple syrup, fresh local apples, our great farm t-shirts designed by local children’s book illustrator Virginia Allyn, of course freezers full of our delicious, nutritious pasture-raised meats, and more. Sign up to be entered to win one of dozens of great “Plaid Friday” prizes donated by area Monadnock Region businesses that will be raffled off throughout the day.
Plaid Friday is the official kick off event of “Shift Your Shopping” – another nationwide event aimed at persuading consumers to “shift” a minimum of 10% of their holiday spending to local businesses – a simple, powerful way to boost our economy and preserve and create jobs in our local communities. This year, participants in the “Shift Your Shopping for Good” campaign will be giving a portion of purchases between “Small Business Saturday” 11/30 and “Giving Tuesday” 12/3 to literally any charity or school you choose. We are particiapting by donating 10% of any stay or gift certificate purchase during that time frame to the charity of your choice.
Perfectly timed for the holiday shopping season are two favorite area events – the 11th Annual Walpole Artisans Tour and the 35th Annual Putney Crafts Tour both held Friday, November 29th – Sunday, December 1st. Take a back road tour through some of New England’s most beautiful countryside visiting top artisans in their studios. Participating artisans cover a wide variety of mediums including potters, glass blowers, painters, metal workers, jewelry designers, fabric artists, photographers, cheese makers, and more. I’ve done these tours for years and still haven’t personally visited every studio. Can you think of a more enjoyable way to go shopping?
As in past years, we’ll be participating as a Plaid Friday “hub” in the Monadnock Region and as such handing out our famous homemade cookies to hungry shoppers in plaid passing through Walpole. Come see us in our plaid and bring yours too. We hope to see you here on the farm!
Jackie, Innkeeper