The newest member of the farm – A Black Baldie calf born with the luck of the Irish! Besides the beautiful weather, today brought our farm a special surprise! While doing chores early this morning a gorgeous black calf was found – our first calf of 2010! Bringing the total beef cattle at Walpole Valley Farms to 16.
This calf is all black with white markings on his head and beautiful long white eye lashes! He is a cross known as a “black baldie” which comes from breeding an Angus and a Hereford cow. We normally don’t have our cows calve this early in the Spring so his arrival was truly a surprise.
Mother Daisy looks on as her new calf “meets” other members of our herd for the first time. Mother and calf are penned separately from the rest of the herd to ensure some uninterrupted bonding time.
Hmmm… a male calf born on St. Patrick’s Day… any name suggestions???
Innkeeper The Inn at Valley Farms